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Terms & Conditions


Most items are made to order. Most orders will be completed within 2-3 weeks, but please contact us if you have any timing requirements and we will do our best to accommodate you.



Excellent quality and customer satisfaction is of utmost importance to us. Each piece of jewelry is handmade to order. Please understand that because of this returns are not allowed. However, if there is a defect in the making of a piece, we will certainly make the necessary adjustments as quickly as possible. Please check your package thoroughly upon arrival and contact us within 2 business days of delivery if there is any discrepancy or defect in your order to receive a Return Authorization (RA) number & shipping instructions. 



If you are unsure of your ring size, we suggest that you be sized by a jeweler in your area to insure an accurate fit. We can resize most rings for a $35 fee plus shipping, please contact us



Your information is used for credit card processing only. We do not keep card information on file and we will never share your information.



All shipments are fully insured. We ship within the United States via USPS Priority Mail, and international destinations via USPS Priority International Mail.  We are not responsible for any customs fees incurred on international orders.

Once a package is shipped, we are not responsible if a package is lost, stolen or damaged. We reserve the right to change the shipping method and cost at anytime.



Our jewelry is made by hand in our studio from recycled gold, sterling silver and gemstones from the most reputable sources.  Over time, oxidized silver gradually fades with wear.  While many people appreciate the unique patina, we are happy to re-oxidize your piece for the cost of shipping. For more information about how to care for your ELIZABETH CRANDALL jewelry, please see our jewelry care page.



All images & designs belong to ELIZABETH CRANDALL jewelry and are protected under copyright law. Any use or reproduction without express written permission from us will result in prosecution.